Monday 23 September 2013

A punk kind of day...

" I use clothes as a way of telling people how im feeling" Henry Holland AW13

HH! says it how it is. Fashion can be timeless or disposable but it is how you interpret and wear clothes that makes you tell people who you are and how you feel.
I love fashion! Some pieces can be like marmite but never judge what others wear as thats how they feel and what they want to wear so let them! 

Everynight i plan in my mind what im going to wear the next day, its like planning a meal i eat what i fancy when i feel like it, so i wear what i want depending how i feel. 

Today was all about black skinnys, black ankle boots and a black blouse with a statement punk necklace! Would you be able to work out how i was feeling? Those who know me well and who i spoke to today probably would haha! 

Whether it be subconsciously or not you present yourself through what you choose to wear as soon as you get dressed every morning and go for it! Why not! 
This is why i love fashion and shopping so much, be yourself and never be afraid to express who are. 

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